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Croatia teen house
Lisa with Latscunga orphan
Lila & Iela with famous ice creams
Quito VBS
Quito construction
Quito market place
Quito orphans
Quito VBS crew
Quito slide
Quito VBS
Latacunga box building
Quito VBS
Latacunga 1st crew
Latacunga 2nd crew
pizza in Latacunga
Michael & Campbell Latacunga orphans
Tia with orphans, Latacunga
Otovalo market place
Noah, Campbell, Ellie Ecuador
stream of youth- Ecuador
Iela, Lisa, Autumn- Ecuador
Jason & Bob- Eucador
weaver- Ecuador
Latacunga orphan
Quito, Ecuador
above Quito, Ecuador
mission team- Ecuador
Tammy, Bob, Rama- Ecuador
Quito orphans
Latacunga orphans
Ecuador team 2012
Breza, teen houses in Croatia
view from train in Croatia
FCCOE mission team and teen orphans
Multi-Generational Trips


​Multigenerational means we love combining youth with maturity (I did not say young & old!). We have had some wonderful trips together with God's guidance to many wonderful places such as: Ecuador's orphanages 2x, Croatia's teen orphanage houses 2x, and Slidell - LA hurricane relief sites 2x.


We learn so much from each other and from those we meet and share God's love and talents with. We gain a better understanding of different places around the world and in the USA, that helps us to have more compassion and appreciation for all God has blessed us with.


Please consider joining us for our next adventure with and for God! Check out the slide show to see where we've been.


For more information contact:

Mission Chairperson: Jud Reis


Gentle Bells, Kenya School.jpeg
A Mission Site We Support


The Kijabe Children’s Education Fund is a nonprofit organization committed to raising money and support for the GENTLE BELLS

Preparatory School, a private primary school in the community of Longonot, Kenya. 


Gentle Bells Preparatory School seeks to provide low cost education to the many impoverished families living on the edge of the rift valley.


Craig & Margot Hammon and Dick & Beth Cairns were instrumental in making this dream a reality. Dick has also helped by getting indestructable computers for the students along with thumb drives so more have access to them.


For more information contact:

Craig & Margot Hammon


Dick & Beth Cairns


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