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Connecting With One Another

Small Groups and Support Groups

We have a variety of opportunities to join or start small groups at any time throughout the year.


Some of these small groups follow books with study guides, some have a facilitator to guide them, some are gender specific and some are open to all.


Every other Wednesday night Susan Zwart leads a dinner and conversation series called “Table Talks”. This gathering is open to all members of the community.

Youth Group

Youth group is a place where middle and high school students can connect with Christ, have fun with friends, and craft curiosity.


We play games, act silly, and eat snacks! There is a soul care and Bible study time where students can talk about their lives and explore their faith.


We hope students walk away from our time together ready to bring truth and love to their schools and communities. We meet every Wednesday night from 6:30-8 p.m. in our own room with access to the outside, for more fun!


Church Get-togethers

There are many opportunities throughout the year where the church gathers more informally to enjoy time together.


We kick off the fall with a perennial favorite of kids and adults alike, with a Fall Picnic and BBQ. We celebrate the Christmas season with a Advent lunch and wreath making and a potluck dinner and Christmas Carol sing a long. We gather at Ash Wednesday for a chowder dinner and the imposition of Ashes.


Members of the church host “dinners for 8” in their homes so that different members of the congregation can break bread together and get to know one another.


For information about upcoming events, please visit our Church Calendar



In most years FCCOE offers both a women’s retreat and a men’s retreat. The popular weekend getaways are held in various beautiful New England locations with a featured speaker, discussion groups, activities, great food and wonderful times of fellowship.

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