Connecting With God
We gather every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. from September through May and summer hours are at 9:30 a.m. from June through August. Our services take place in our sanctuary on the second floor of our building (we have an elevator for anyone with a need). Sunday services are livestreamed at FCCOE’s Facebook page.

Kids' Sunday School
We offer Sunday school for elementary and middle school students during the 10:30 a.m. service every Sunday, with the exception of Family Communion Sunday, which is the first Sunday of every month.
We offer a children’s church service during the summer months. Teachers will guide your children to their appropriate classroom. For more information, please contact us at info@fccoe.org
Adult Sunday School and Kids' Hang Time
We conduct Sunday School for adults at 9:30a.m. from September through May, with a variety of guest lecturers teaching on topics relevant to today’s issues. The subject matter changes every 4-6 weeks, you may join at any time, we gather in the Fellowship Hall.
Our Youth Pastor, Cullen Capehart, offers "Hang Time," an informal time of fun activities for kids in grades 1-12 to hang out together at 9:30 a.m., especially helpful for those parents who want to attend Adult Sunday School!

Babies and toddlers up to the age 5 are welcome in our safe, inviting and staffed nursery. The nursery is located on the ground floor level, adjacent to the fellowship hall, across from the kitchen. Sign in is on site on Sunday morning.
Worship Style
Our services are usually an hour in length and offer a balanced mix of thoughtful biblical preaching, liturgy, prayer, choir music, congregational singing of hymns and praise songs and updates and testimonials about church supported ministries and activities.
The atmosphere is warm and welcoming, peaceful and reverential.

We celebrate family communion the first Sunday of every month. All followers of Jesus are welcome without any restrictions.
Prayer Requests
Our services include a time for congregants to share any prayer requests they may have. Deacons are also available for private prayer meetings after the Sunday service in the Youth Pastor's office.
Our sanctuary is fully wheelchair accessible via ramp and elevator. There is also a wheelchair available on site.
Coffee and Fellowship After Service
Please join us immediately after the service for free coffee and refreshment in the fellowship hall on the ground floor.

Music is an integral part of our worship experience, as the Apostle Paul wrote: “Be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord” (Ephesians 5:18-20)
Congregational Music
Congregational singing includes a mix of hymns and contemporary praise songs, with accompaniment either by our grand piano or our pipe organ. Music is also a regular part of special services and events, including an informal Christmas carol sing and pot luck and a Christmas Eve service of lessons and carols.
Choral Music
The FCCOE choir participates in our worship from September-May, accompanied by organ or piano. Rehearsals are held Thursday evenings at 7-8PM and before worship. Musical knowledge is not a requirement, only the desire to praise God and have fun! We love new members! Please join us!

Lectio Divina
(Holy or Divine Reading)
Lectio involves a slow, reflective reading of Scripture that offers a way of opening to God’s initiative. It is prayerfully dwelling on a passage of Scripture, reading the text and responding with periods of silence, in order to be read by it.
You will want to choose a short passage of Scripture, around eight verses in length if it’s a story and even less if it’s prose. Isaiah 43:1-4, Matthew 14:22-33, or Mark 10:46-52 are good places to begin. Then, spend your time with the text in five movements:

A quiet preparation of the heart, two to five minutes. A time to slow down and pray, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.”
Read the passage aloud, twice, slowly, listening for a word or phrase that catches your attention. This might be a word that stands out from all the rest that brings about either a deep sense of resonance or resistance. After the readings, allow for a minute of silence and remain with this word or phrase. After the silence, if in a group, have each one simply speak the word or phrase aloud, without comment or elaboration.

Read the passage aloud again, pondering your word or phrase, listening for where it intersects with your life. What in your life needed to hear this word or phrase today? Why do you think the Spirit brought it to your attention? After a minute or two of silence, if in a group, go around and share your reflections in a few brief sentences. Do not comment on another’s sharing, just listen prayerfully.

Read the passage aloud again, listening this time for God’s invitation to you, through your word or phrase. Allow for silent reflection. Is God calling you to thanksgiving, confession, obedience, trust, conversation, etc.? Share briefly with the group, again, without comment by others.
Read a final time and simply rest, and wait quietly in the presence of God, enjoying his presence, receiving his love, and trusting that he will enable you to actually do what he is inviting you to do. After the silence, pray for the person on your right. If alone, close with the Lord’s Prayer.