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A Letter from Pastor Tim...


In the wake of the tragic death of George Floyd and, sadly, the many before it, we at FCCOE mourn with those who have lost loved ones through the injustice of racism. We affirm that all men, women, and children are created in the image of a loving, gracious God, and regardless of skin color, are equal and precious in His sight. [Genesis 1:27]

We lament the dividing walls of hostility between races and people groups that still exist in our nation. We confess what we have done to participate in erecting such walls, and what we have left undone in following Jesus to bring those walls down. [Ephesians 2:14-18]

We acknowledge that all do not suffer equally from the plague that is racism and so pray that God would give us ears to hear and pay attention to the cries of the oppressed. We also pray for God’s wisdom that, in response to such cries, we would know what to do to help bring His justice, peace, and healing to our neighborhoods and our world. [James 1:5]

In Love, Pastor Tim

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